Sunday, July 24, 2011


Now that I have your attention:

Why is it that we always want what we can't have? There are so many things out there that most (I said most, I didn't say all) of us want but don't have. Did you say " Give me some examples?" Why I would be glad to.

(all examples are the opinion of me)

Example 1 : Straight/ Curly Hair

I have curly hair. Let me rephrase that. It's curly when I let it air dry which I never do unless I have no intention of seeing anyone outside of my household. The reason for this is because I look little orphan Annie. It is about 5 inches shorter than normal and I look like a child, a child that not even Daddy Warbucks would adopt. In the winter, I can usually successfully straighten it(as long as there is no rain). It looks nice like that. Some people tell me it looks nice curly. Well, in order for me to get it to look nice curly, I need to dry it , gel it, fix the curls with a curling iron and about 2 hours later it looks nice. But I don't like it curly so even when it looks "nice" I think it looks like ass. Everyone with straight hair wishes it was curly. Get over it. Straight is much easier, I assure you and getting adopted will be easier.

Example 2: Big Boobs

Why would you want big boobs? Normal boobs are fine. I grew boobs when I was 2 and they seem to have been growing ever since. People have always said that I should " show them off". Ummm YOU CAN"T MISS THEM. Wearing a shirt that accentuates them would only draw more attention to them. They are heavy, they bang into walls all by themselves and you feel like a molester every time you hug someone. Normal size shirts don't "fit" without it looking like Mt.Helena is erupting. By flaunting them, people forget that you have a face. HELLO I am up here!! Oh and the bras. There is no such thing as a pretty bra. Even the ones that look "pretty" are huge. The back is like 5 feet wide to support you. It looks likes you are wearing a parachute. It's unattractive. So all you big boob wanters out there.. don't do it. Silicone can leak anyway.

Example 3: Good Looks

Not your normal good looks (like I have..wink wink). The good looks that people ( men and women, gay or straight) walk by and say "Wow what a good looking girl (or guy)". This usually requires much more effort than they will every say. They add makeup to further enhance a naturally pretty face, botox for some (God forbid that anyone see a wrinkle and know that they have smiled before),the constant waxing and bleaching. Oh and let's not forget the insecurity. A lot of good looking people are very insecure. My guess is that they act so stuck up that no one wants to befriend them and they wonder why. So if you have the need to be desirable save your money on botox, go buy a pack of cigs and hit the bar. You will look just as good to someone after some shots and beers anyway and you will still be able to smile when you wake up in the morning.

That's all folks.