Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What are the odds?

What are the odds of walking through an indoor breezeway with one other person and looking out the window and seeing a large group of landscapers working in uniform. They are all wearing brown shorts and a dark tan shirt. You say to the person you are walking with (and the only person within 1000 feet of you) that they look like a group of UPS workers because of said uniform. What are the odds of hearing a voice directly behind you say "But I am not mexican" and turning around to a UPS worker who came out of nowhere and was walking directly behind you ?? Seriously? Only me.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Casino Drama

Awhile ago, I was at the casino sitting at a slot machine and doing pretty well on it. A woman who was sitting two seats down from me says ' Excuse me '. I look over at the woman and she has her debit card in her hand and says "Can you read me these numbers , I can't see them too well" and hands me her phone. The woman had a very heavy accent so it took me a minute to figure out what she was saying. So I was like "Um okk" and read her off the numbers while she keyed them into her phone. She messed up so we started over. Five minutes later she says thank you and I resume my slot play.

Approximately one minute later, she leans over with her phone extended to me and says "Can you read these numbers off to the lady please?" So now I'm a little annoyed because she is bothering me and I have absolutely NO desire to put my ear up to a phone of someone I do not know. I'm a bit germophobic and all I can think of is that her nasty ear stuff is going to end up being my nasty ear stuff. However, she looks very confused and is obviously not going to leave me alone until she gets whatever it is she is trying to do accomplished. So I take the phone, hold it close to but not right at my ear and start to read the numbers to the lady on the other end of the phone. Immediately the lady tells me that I can not do this and she needs to speak directly to the card holder. So I hand the woman the phone back and tell her this. She doesn't understand what I am saying. So I repeat that the lady needs to speak directly to her. Again, I resume my playing.

About 4 minutes later she hangs up the phone and says " Excuse Me". I look over and she proceeds to tell me that she spent over her limit but has plenty of money in the bank and called the lady so that they would let her take out more money because she wanted to play the machine she was sitting at. The lady on the other end of the phone told her they would add a little bit of money so she could withdraw it and it would take a few minutes. I smile and tell her that's good ( which really means " If you don't shut the hell up and leave me alone I am going to scream). AGAIN, I resume my playing even though I'm not really playing because it seems that the button on my machine was really a cue for her to say excuse me and ask me to do something for her.

I was thrilled that I hit the button 3 times and I didn't hear anything from her so I assumed they fixed the machine so that it serves it's proper purpose. WRONG. "Excuse me" . This time I just looked at her because if I opened my mouth my response would have been " OMG LADY YOU ARE WORKING MY LAST NERVE AND THIS ISN'T A SMOKING SECTION SO I CAN'T SMOKE TO CALM ME DOWN SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!'. She says " Please watch my machine, I want to go see if I can get my money". I say Ok and am glad that I will have a few minutes of peace. Then she is gone forevverrrrrrrrrrrr and I am stuck making sure no one sits at the machine until she finally returns. She tells me that it's not available yet so she will wait a few minutes and try again. With that, I cash out and tell her to have a nice day. I am NOT going to do that again. When do you stop being polite? I can't be mean but man some people are just annoying. I would never hand someone my debit card, and give them my phone and have them speak to the bank for me.... especially in a casino.! DUH.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Space Invaders

So my job relocated to a new office building. There are several other companies that occupy the building. The cafeteria is a large one and has seating for about 250 people (if I had to take a guess). There is a partition wall in the middle, for what reason I have no idea.. but there are two 'sides' to the cafeteria.

I went to lunch one day alone. Let me backtrack.. In our previous building , I was close enough to go home for lunch . I had just enough time to get home, eat and get back. I don't have that luxury now. The first day I went down to the new cafeteria to eat, I was a little bit freaked. I have never , in my 36 years, eaten in a 'public' place alone. I always see people doing that and feel sorry for them. I don't know why, but I do. Anyway, I went down and took my book. I ate, read and I managed to live through it. The next day I did the same. I now LOVE to sit alone and eat. Here's why...

The other day, I was sitting minding my business in a nearly empty cafeteria ( there was about 6 people in the whole place.. I went to lunch late) . A girl, that I have never seen in my life and is assumingly from one of the other offices) came in, sat down about 3 feet from me to eat. Now there is NOOOOO one in there and she could have sat ANYWHERE. She didn't speak , wasn't trying to make conversation, didn't look at me , just sat there all up in my face , chewing like a complete and 'utter' cow. I couldn't concentrate on my book with the lips smacking and that fact that she was sitting right next to me. I closed my book after a few minutes and quietly walked away.

The next day , I went to the other side of the partition and sat, thinking if I was back in the corner I would be safe.. Nope.. same thing happened again. Only a different person. Why? I don't understand why people wouldn't want to have their own space???? Maybe people just want to feel like people are around? It's very weird to me.

The NEXT day, I sat. A woman I work with came and asked if I minded if she sat with me. I said ' Sure! Sit down'. I didn't mind the company or so I thought. Halfway through, another male co-worker came and saw us and took a seat. This particular person is a nice guy but after one previous encounter of witnessing him eating, I had no desire to repeat the experience. LUCKILY, my time was about up and I made a graceful exit.

So today, I went down and really thought I was safe.. I saw a few people but they were finishing up or already in place so I just kept moving to find a seat since I now enjoy the quiet time. I didn't even have half an ass cheek on the booth before another woman I work with asked if she could sit with me. She came out of NOWHERE!!! She said she wouldn't sit if I didn't want her to because I had a book and she didn't want to interrupt. Of course I told her to sit. I'm not anti-people. I know she is kind of a lonely woman so the company would make her happy. SO she sat ... all was fine.... with the exception of a few pieces of food flying out of her mouth.

I really like sitting alone.. Never in a million years would I think I would have ever said that. But I look forward to that short half hour of the day. I look forward to being that person that people look at and think 'aw poor thing eating all alone'. Now if I could just get the damn chance to do it, I would be a happy girl!!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Picky Ricky

Everyone calls me a picky eater. I am not the easiest person to invite to a meal. Below is a list of things I will NOT eat:

Rice- Rice is the devil. I will not eat it, look at it or clean dish that rice has come in contact with. I have been called a big baby for this . I don't care. This is my perogative. I have very strong feelings about rice.

Soup- The last time I "ate" soup I was a young child. I had a bowl of alphabet soup and was told I was not to get up from the table until I ate. I would have sat there forever if I had to. It smells, its gross... NO SOUP FOR ME!

Red Meat- I am not all 'do not kill the cow' ( although it is kind of gross to eat it). I have nothing against those who eat it but it's not my cup of tea. I haven't had it in well over 15 years ( with the exception of trying one or two things that left me on the toilet for days several years ago.. that was the end of that).

Pork- No pork loins, chops etc. Bacon of course I will eat. Ham I will eat . I don't eat it often but I will eat ham (Sam I am).

Seafood- No! I will go as far as 2 or 3 shrimp. I can't eat any more than that. Anything else.. no thank you!! I WISH I liked it... it's good for you.

Noodles- I have been told repeatedly that this is weird but I will only eat certain pastas. My 'no' pastas are rotini, fettuccini,angel hair and thick long spaghetti.

So that leaves chicken ( I'm so tired of it but will eat it if I have to, veggie burgers and junk. I like junk! and cheese I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me some cheese.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spinning my wheels

Did you ever feel like you are just spinning your wheels? I've decided that I'm just not getting respect and no matter what I do that seems to be the way it is. No one wants to listen and there's no one to talk to. Ever feel that way?? Today, that's how I feel. So I am expressing myself here... to myself to say it 'out loud'.

That's all.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


If you are reading this and like this blog... please comment!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ask a stupid question...

When I was about 13 I worked at a snack bar at a swim club for the summer. I got the '
job' because my uncle's parents ran it. Sweet people but in the summer when it was hot and you were trapped in a 2 x 2 room with them and a few other people it smelled. Everyone was hot and sweaty and it made for a long stinky day.

Swedish fish (aka fishies) were .01 per piece. I spent alot of time counting to 100. Anyway, one day it was about 5,000 degrees out and it was about that time for me to go to work. The swim club was about a 5 minute bike ride from my house. Some days I walked and some days I rode my bike.

My sister ( who is 3 years older than me) and her friend ( who is now married to my cousin) were out on the patio. She stopped by for lunch ( she was at work- again for the summer and had an hour for lunch). I asked if she would drop me off at the swim club on her way back to work since it was 5,000 degrees out. They both just looked at me like I was a nuisance ( a 13 years old asking 'cool' 16 year olds for a favor). My sister said ' I thought you were going to ride your bike'. I whined about the fact that it was 5,000 degrees out and too hot to ride. After a few minutes of bickering, her friend ( now my 'cousin') says '"Just ride your bike" to which I reply (at this point I am very angry) " If I ride my bike there HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET HOME???? WALK IT??????????????". I was as serious as can be... They laughed ( their asses off), I realized what I just said , got on my bike and went to work.

That was about 23 years has never been forgotten.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It keeps 'coming back up'!

Everyone has a certain thing from their childhood that people always remember and bring up when the situation is fitting. Here is one of mine.

When I was younger, I had a nervous stomach. EVERYTHING made me nervous , scared and queasy.. going to a friends birthday party, going to the mall , everything. I have NO idea why. I am certainly the opposite now but my mother would cringe whenever I would receive any kind of invitation in anticipation of what would happen next.

In grade school, every Tuesday was ' Hot Dog' day. I went to Catholic school and back then the cafeteria was usually just the place where we went to eat. You didn't have the option to buy your lunch.. you brought it in with you every day....with the exception of Tuesdays.

Did you ever smell a hot dog when you boil it in water? I know I know.. now they are usually microwaved now but back then everyone boiled hot dogs and it was (and still is) one of the most repulsive smells ever!!!! The cafeteria was in the 'basement' but I could smell those hot dogs a mile away. Hundreds of them flopping around in hot dog juice covered water....

Most kids looked forward to Tuesdays because it was a break from the 'norm' and in Catholic grade school everything was exteremly regimented , organized and methodical. So Hot Dog day was a day of excitement... for everyone except me . For me it was a day of queasiness.

It made me nervous.. I was nervous about going to the cafeteria and getting through lunch without my peanut butter or cheese or whatever it was sandwich coming up as everyone else around was getting their smelly boiled grossness. So not only did the smell make my stomach turn but the thought of getting through lunch without puking made me want to puke more.

Most days I managed to squeak by without incident...most...

I remember the day well... It was lunchtime and we were all told to go back to the coat closet to get our coats so that after we ate we could go outside for recess. As the teacher opened the coat closet, it was like there were 5 million hot dogs being boiled inside. The smell completely overwhelmed me instantly then........blah......... all over- it just came out.. The kids all kinda ran away and the teacher went and got that saw dust crap to cover the smell ( I'm pretty sure that bag was there for me anyway ;) and then sent me on my way to the cafeteria. They were used to me puking so the whole 'call my mom thing' didn't happen anymore they just sent me on my way..... I was sooo worried that I was going to get picked on for the rest of my life... like Billy was for pooping his pants in class. The nun didn't know who did it and and no one was confessing so she ( honest to God) walked around smelling everyone's ass until she found it) . But I don't remember ever getting picked on or harrassed for it.. and if they did I most likely wasn't paying them any mind and just sitting there waiting to get out of the cafeteria so I could return to breathing fresh clean non hot dog air.

Tomorrow, my work is having a hot dog cart. They are calling it Hot Dog Day. I am glad I am off!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

It's over

I have finished my month of my weight loss program. I have to say I wasn't as dedicated to it as I hoped to be. I haven't weighed but I believe I lost about 6-7 lbs. Not too bad since I had a hard time towards the end sticking to it.

I have come to the conclusion that I will never be a size 4. I'm ok with that. I am what I am. I just want to be healthy. It's about that time of year to start training for the MS City to Shore Ride. This year I will be riding 100 miles. Training for this will help me shed a few.

But I am ok with me..and who I am... I think sometimes we spend too much energy worrying or listening to what others have to say and the truth of the matter is those people really need to take a good look at themselves. It's the pot calling the kettle black! It's much easier to judge than be judged.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Half Way There

It's Saturday. It's almost 14 days in. I haven't been perfect. I eat a cookie a day... I can't help it .. they are there I eat one. BUT I just eat one and sooner or later there won't be any left :). I went to the movies yesterday and ate pretzel bites. NOT a good move but I didn't eat much else all day and I was hungry and sick and with the one exception of the cookie a day I have been doing well... I will weigh myself on Monday... Although I am going to dinner tomorrow for my dad and his wife's birthday and we are going to Outback. This is not an 'obstacle' to me because I don't eat red meat and barely tolerate chicken... so a salad is the plan... soon enough it will be warm enough to get my fat ass out on my bike and my plan is to have the 20 lbs I want off completed by the end of April.... I am only doing the program I bought for one month then time to make better choices for a better me........

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I am in the middle of day 7. This morning as I was getting ready for work ( yes it's Sunday and I was voluntarily going to work) it was cold. The thermostat was on 60. Now the other night a fuse blew so I figured it tripped so I switched the breaker and it went on .. and I went to work. I came home this afternoon and it was it FREEZINGGGGGGGGGGGG. Tried again.. went on for a second and off .. and again and again. My wonderful dear cousin ( who is an electrician) came over. I told him I looked for the reset button and couldn't find it. There is a thing of the side of the heater that says 'pull' so I did and I pulled and pulled and pulled. Nothing. He comes over and opens it right up. Apparently I was supposed to be pulling UP not out.. Hits the rest and its fixed. Of course.. I'm your typical girl who can't fix much..and panic when something breaks. Although I should be over that by now because everytime I freakin turn around something is breaking. Yes my house is 58 years old.. and just like people-at a certain age everything starts malfunctioning. First it's your 'plumbing' then its' your'heat' . They tend to get a little more irritable and cranky as they age ( yes houses and people!). Anyway. point is I ate a cookie. SHOOT ME I ATE A DAMN COOKIE. I will weigh myself tomorrow.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day Three

Yesterday was day 3. I am off on Thursdays and find it harder when I am at home than at work to adhere to Mr. Diet. My sister and son are living with me and we are in PA so we were having some snowy weather. We popped in a movie and they decided to have some snacks. SOOOO in front of me was popcorn, fritos, cheetos and bagel bites....evil.... I ate my diet food and avoided the evil temptation in front of me. I did ( again) eat some Cheerios .....

I'm not sure why it is is so damn hard to eat healthy..... all I keep thinking is that my clothes will fit better and I will look and feel better.. but when it's in front of you it's really hard to resist it.... I guess that's why I need to lose the weight...

Someone needs to invent 'good' snack food that is healthy that actually TASTES like fattening food. I know there are things like that out there but they taste like crap...

I haven't been good about exercising. I did it Monday and that was it. My intentions are good but I one step at a time. I can't expect miracles and everyone says Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. This is coming from someone who has never tasted pizza apparently..

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day Two

Day two went pretty well. I managed to avoid the pizza..(even though it seemed to have grown eyes and was staring me down). I ate all the food I was supposed to with the exception of a vegetable serving. I did get hungry mid evening and ate a cup of dry Cheerios... This was my 'cheating'- a cup of Cheerios. It's sad when feeling guilty comes down to Cheerios.... I had the urge to chew... so I ate those... I have 25 days to go .. I can do this. I know I can... BUT everyone knows that when you can't have something you want it even more!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a lighter note, my cat is still making the MOST ANNOYING ' I'm in heat and need some action' noises EVER. I am trying to NOT get annoyed being as I am elated to have her back... but my patience is tested when all night long I am listening to that.... Listen...... I'm in heat too but you don't hear me whining about it! Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day One Complete

I am on day two now. Day one went very well.. I ate all the foods I was supposed to ( with the exception of my 'fat'serving for the day). I got on the treadmill for 25 minutes... Not great but better than nothing!!!!

I should have lost some stress lbs. My cat got out during the day and I spent a few hours in the evening searching for her... I don't 'let her out' and she is in heat. I was worried 1. that she wouldn't come back 2. that someone took her 3. that she would come back all pregnant and junk. I finally heard her making her "I'm in heat terrible screeching noises " and found her across the street behind my neighbor's trash cans. One worry down... NOW I just have to wait to see if her little belly starts getting bigger..... I have my fingers crossed that she kept her legs crossed while she was out there......

So far so good today.. I haven't cheated yet.. although my mother is coming over tonight and keeps asking if I want Pizza Hut for dinner. Pizza Hut is the devil when trying to lose weight so I hope that I am not THAT much of a wuss that I can control myself on Day 2!!! It's going to be a longgggggggggg month!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Diet Time!

I am your typical yo-yo dieter. I lose 20 lbs.. its finds me.. I have been this way all my life. OK sometimes more than 20 lbs. I'm not extremely large but I certainly could stand to lose a good amount of weight. I just bought a month's supply of food from a weight loss company ( who's name I will not disclose in my posts due to the fact that I work in the weight loss industry and would prefer not to create 'issues') HOWEVER, I do plan on keeping up with my blog for the next month to discuss my progress, my exercise ( or lack thereof if that's the case). This is my therapy... the truth and hopefully writing here will help me to follow through so I don't have to post about my inability to follow a simple diet plan for a month!!!

I look forward to the next month- my goal is 10 lbs ( gotta start somewhere). My wish is to put my pants on without having to do squats to stretch them out. I have about 10 pairs of jeans in my closet that just laugh at me every time I look at them.... I start tomorrow... Good luck to ME!