Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 3

Ok yesterday was drama free. I finished the kitchen. That only took me 2 1/2 days and the kitchen isn't even too big.  I also got my bedroom done.  I didn't have that on my "
list of things to do" but it needed to be done. So I did it, then wrote it on the list and crossed it off :) I got the paint out again and painted my bedroom and closet door ( and the hallway door) . I also did the door in the kitchen for the basement.  I wiped walls, cleaned under the bed etc... My room  is pretty clean but it just needed a "winter" cleaning. 

I am almost finished... I have the basement left . I started weeks ago and then never finished.  It's unfinished and gross and I don't go down there and really clean it  but it needs to be de " linted". The dryer is down there and the wires needs to be cleaned off .. etc.  Not a fun job but I will get it done.

The biggest drama yesterday was Tommy's gas.  I don't know what he ate but we all suffered the consequences!!
Today , I am off to my grandmother's to put up her decorations!!! Fa la la la la

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 2 of vacation: The Stranger Cat Saga continues

Day 2 is complete. Yesterday I had a bit of A.D.D and found it difficult to focus. I got a call in the morning about a good sale (that was only running yesterday) on a gift for my nephew so I drove up to Toys R Us and got it . I came back and the Price is Right was starting so that was how I spent the next hour.

I did work on the kitchen. I cleaned out the inside of the refrigerator, I cleaned the oven (and inhaled the fumes of the Oven Cleaner spray , looked at the back and saw that it was really NOT a good thing, coughed and gasped for breath for about 5 minutes, drank some water and all was well).  I cleaned the stove top.  I took the burners off and the drip pans.  I knew the drip pans weren't in good shape but pulling the last one out and having it crumble in my hands reconfirmed it.

The piece on the side of the oven that holds the handle to open the door is a little loose. Most times when you go to open the oven the handle comes off ( it's an older oven, just like the fridge) so I decided to crazy glue it. Sounded like a good idea until I crazy glued 3 of my fingers on one hand and 2 on the other together. It was a good 15 seconds before I got them apart.  May not sound like a long time but you think that you are about to become a 7 fingered girl because you can't get them apart it's disturbing. I put the crazy glue away.

 I cleaned out the last cabinet under the sink and I used  Murphy's Oil on the outside of the cabinets.  The kitchen is almost finished.

 Then I went out shopping.  I got another present (2 presents is wayyyy ahead of where I usually am with my Christmas shopping at this point). I got new drip pans as well.

We stopped on the way home and got sandwiches because at this point ( about 9 p.m) I realized that I was starving since I barely ate between early shopping, cleaning, pacing because I had A.D.D then shopping again. So I ate , watched T.V and went to bed. This is GREAT for my diet.

At about 2:20 a.m.  I hear it.  The sound of cats trying to murder each other. I opened my eyes and laid there for about 30 seconds before my sister comes in and says "Stranger Cat is back."  I was really hoping that my two cats just got in a really bad argument about who got the "good" spot on the couch and were having a moment. So she asked if she should just close her door to the basement since she was down there.  I said "No just let her back outside" knowing that the basement door shuts but it doesn't  latch shut right so it can easily be pushed open ( yes my house has some issues).

Then I had some second thoughts because I knew it was probably a little cold outside. Now I know that this cat has a home and I know that her owner let's her out to roam around. When I find out who this person is, we are going to have a little talk. Anyway, I get up and go down the basement and see my sister with the window in her hand and glass all over the ground.  The window sits funny down there ( more issues) and she managed to push it open to get in.  In the process, the window hit the basement floor and broke. There is a big ass hole in the screen.  She said that Stranger Cat must have jumped back out because she wasn't down there.  She proceeds to go back to bed and now I have to figure out how to temporarily fix this, unassisted, at a stupid hour in the morning. I found duct tape but the duct tape was not cooperating and it was ripping of all uneven. After about 5 minutes of trying ,I gave up.  I found different tape and started to ghetto rig the hole in the screen. As I am doing this, standing on a step stool, waiting for her to come back and try to get in, she jumps from behind me and goes right back out the window. She scared the hell out of me, because I thought she had already left and I almost fell off the stool. I call her a bitch. I finish taping the screen. I then put a big box against the window, just in case. Now I have a ghetto screen, no window ,a new project on my hands and a bad attitude. Stranger Cat has a new name " I am beginning to not like you Cat."

At 3:10 a.m I went back to bed.  I woke up this morning at 7.   I am tired, my back hurts and am not in the mood.  So I decide to go to WaWa and get a low fat Vanilla Cappuccino.  It will make my mouth happy and wake me up so I can get all this stuff done so that it's out of the way and I can enjoy the rest of my 25 days of vacation.  I pull into WaWa.  It looks a little crowded but I got a front spot. Sweet.  I open the door and the amount of people in there had to far exceed the fire laws for maximum person limitations.  They were everywhere. People who looked like me- sloppy and half awake, people dressed like they are going to a formal affair (you know the ones that get all dressed up from work because they think they look hot but look like the cover of a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog) and about 500,000 construction worker dudes with their fluorescent smock things on. I had to fight to get a cup. It was stupid and I will not do that again.

So now I will start day 3 and try to get the kitchen finished BEFORE Price is Right even comes on. Next is my bedroom... We will see what the day brings.

Vacation is great..........

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day one of my 27 day Vacation....

So I have racked a bunch of vacation time at work and if I don't use it by the end of the year, I lose it.  I lost about 3 weeks last year and this year I decided that I wouldn't let that ever happen again! This is the slowest month of the year at my job so I took my days. 

My vacation started yesterday and I am off through Christmas.  I go back on the 26th. What am I going to do with my time  you ask? I have no freakin idea. This week I am working on getting my house cleaned, including closets ,cabinets etc. I got started before my vacation started.  I sanded and painted the window in the bathroom (which really need it because the geniouses who built the house put a window in the shower..they were rocket scientists.) The window sill gets all nasty so it's a constant battle to avoid issues.) I cleaned out the linen closet, I started on the unfinished basement (I am procrastinating finishing it because I hate down there), I cleaned the living room (very thoroughly) and I started cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.

So yesterday I decided I would work on the kitchen.  I did start  last week (as stated above) and cleaned out some of the cabinets so I figured maybe a couple hours ( I am very anal and it takes awhile to do it RIGHT) and I would move onto my bedroom.

Well, I got a late start because the Price is Right was on. Clean Price is Right? Duh  . Drew Carey won. But at 12:00 I did go into the kitchen.  The windows are wood (and painted) and the sills and bits of the window paint were peeling, so I decided I would scrape, sand and paint.. So I did.. then I cleaned the windows, then I painted. Took much longer than I thought.  I decided to paint the back door also. Then I moved on.  I washed down the refrigerator. The fridge works great but it's old.  It was here when I bought the house 8 years ago and was already there for awhile.  There were brown spots ( some big , some small) almost like rust spots all over it. No matter how much or how often I clean it,  they aren't going away.  Then I came up with an idea.  I had the paint out so I painted it ...( this is after I had already put all the magnets back up and placed then strategically to cover the brown spots). Looks MUCH better!!! Then I decided that I might as well put up some Christmas decorations ( for the kitchen) while I was at it.  You get my point.  I was in that kitchen from 12-7:30 and I am still not finished.. I will finish today...and hopefully start on my room.

That is once the Price is Right is over!!