Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day one of my 27 day Vacation....

So I have racked a bunch of vacation time at work and if I don't use it by the end of the year, I lose it.  I lost about 3 weeks last year and this year I decided that I wouldn't let that ever happen again! This is the slowest month of the year at my job so I took my days. 

My vacation started yesterday and I am off through Christmas.  I go back on the 26th. What am I going to do with my time  you ask? I have no freakin idea. This week I am working on getting my house cleaned, including closets ,cabinets etc. I got started before my vacation started.  I sanded and painted the window in the bathroom (which really need it because the geniouses who built the house put a window in the shower..they were rocket scientists.) The window sill gets all nasty so it's a constant battle to avoid issues.) I cleaned out the linen closet, I started on the unfinished basement (I am procrastinating finishing it because I hate down there), I cleaned the living room (very thoroughly) and I started cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.

So yesterday I decided I would work on the kitchen.  I did start  last week (as stated above) and cleaned out some of the cabinets so I figured maybe a couple hours ( I am very anal and it takes awhile to do it RIGHT) and I would move onto my bedroom.

Well, I got a late start because the Price is Right was on. Clean Price is Right? Duh  . Drew Carey won. But at 12:00 I did go into the kitchen.  The windows are wood (and painted) and the sills and bits of the window paint were peeling, so I decided I would scrape, sand and paint.. So I did.. then I cleaned the windows, then I painted. Took much longer than I thought.  I decided to paint the back door also. Then I moved on.  I washed down the refrigerator. The fridge works great but it's old.  It was here when I bought the house 8 years ago and was already there for awhile.  There were brown spots ( some big , some small) almost like rust spots all over it. No matter how much or how often I clean it,  they aren't going away.  Then I came up with an idea.  I had the paint out so I painted it ...( this is after I had already put all the magnets back up and placed then strategically to cover the brown spots). Looks MUCH better!!! Then I decided that I might as well put up some Christmas decorations ( for the kitchen) while I was at it.  You get my point.  I was in that kitchen from 12-7:30 and I am still not finished.. I will finish today...and hopefully start on my room.

That is once the Price is Right is over!!

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