Yesterday was day 3. I am off on Thursdays and find it harder when I am at home than at work to adhere to Mr. Diet. My sister and son are living with me and we are in PA so we were having some snowy weather. We popped in a movie and they decided to have some snacks. SOOOO in front of me was popcorn, fritos, cheetos and bagel bites....evil.... I ate my diet food and avoided the evil temptation in front of me. I did ( again) eat some Cheerios .....
I'm not sure why it is is so damn hard to eat healthy..... all I keep thinking is that my clothes will fit better and I will look and feel better.. but when it's in front of you it's really hard to resist it.... I guess that's why I need to lose the weight...
Someone needs to invent 'good' snack food that is healthy that actually TASTES like fattening food. I know there are things like that out there but they taste like crap...
I haven't been good about exercising. I did it Monday and that was it. My intentions are good but I one step at a time. I can't expect miracles and everyone says Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. This is coming from someone who has never tasted pizza apparently..
glad to see you are back!!!!