Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Life is Good

Life has treated me well. I am blessed with a loving husband and two children who have taught me what true love means. As any parent knows, there is no greater love than the love of your children. I believe everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that reason eludes us.

My name is Anna. I am 48 and I have breast cancer. Physically, I am a tired and worn but mentally I am as  as alive as I have ever been. I have prayed all of my life. I have prayed for what everyone prays for but mostly I have prayed that I travel on the path that was intended for me.  I believe that He has a plan for me and I am on the path He wants me to take.  I am prepared for whatever that path may be. I am now giving  my time for prayer to those who need it more.  I will pray again when I need Him to direct me to my next step. For now , it is someone else's turn.

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To be continued....

*This is a work of fiction.

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