I believe in ghosts. I may watch too much TV but I do believe they exist. My older sister used to see my grandfather ( my father's dad) when she was little and my mother (who unless she saw it for herself probably wouldn't believe it ) saw him once as well. He used to look over my sister. We never met him. He died before we were even born. I never saw him.
When I first moved into my house I was worried about being scared. I am a big sissy and living alone was a little frightening. I was surprisingly fine and didn't really worry ( although when I first moved in I would check to be sure the doors were locked 5 times before I went to bed.. that is OCD not fear).
Shortly after I moved in, I was in bed one night and the house was very quiet. I heard a loud crash that sounded like an ashtray fell and broke. I always say it sounded like an ashtray although an ashtray doesn't have a specific sound so I don't know there that comes from. It sounded like it was coming from the basement. I got up and went down there ( its unfinished and musty and dark down there). There was nothing. I looked outside to see if maybe someone was putting out the trash or recycle bins. This was dumb since it was 2:00 a.m and most of my neighbors are old . Nothing. I laid in bed a little freaked but that was the end of that.
A few years later I was in bed trying to sleep and I felt ( very strongly) someone standing over me I was WIDE awake but had my eyes closed. I was too scared to open them so I didn't. I just laid there.. waiting to die. My heart was beating a million miles a minute and I seriously thought I was going to die of a heart attack. I laid there for about 30 minutes and the feeling never went away. I knew I needed to open my eyes because obviously if someone was there it would be impossible not to hear them after that long and if they hadn't killed me by now then they weren't going to. So I opened them and there was nothing there. A minute or two later the feeling passed. My sleep sucked that night.
Yesterday afternoon I was watching My Ghost Story on TV. It was light out , my sister was watching with me, no big deal. Then my sister left. I started to freak out because now I had ghosts on my mind . I went into my bedroom and the closet was open. I am anal and never leave my closet open so it naturally had to be a ghost. So I put in a movie, The Soloist ( 2 thumbs up), in hopes that the ghost had already seen that movie and would go to someone's house so it didn't have to watch it again. It worked. The ghost was gone. I should be a Medium.
good thing you had that movie to scare away that ghost :o)