Monday, April 11, 2011

Life is good.. I had a dream.... cont.

Last night I had a dream. I was walking down a path. It was lined with brilliant green trees. The path opened up to reveal the most astonishing view I have even seen. Words can not begin to describe what was before my eyes.

 A seamlessly never ending field covered in the brightest, most aromatic flowers you could ever imagine. Butterflies dusted with brilliant color circled the bluest of skies. I stood there in awe as a light warm breeze brushed my skin.

An overwhelming sensation of children's laughter came over me. Although the sound was distant, I felt the happiness it brought as though it was right before me. I followed the sound and continued through the field.  The smell of jasmine filled the air and I closed my eyes to embrace the moment.  The sound of a child's giggle persuaded me to open my eyes. Standing before me was my grandmother. She never looked as beautiful as she did now. Her skin was pure and soft. She looked peaceful. She said nothing. She simply took my hand and guided me through the tulips. As I looked around, I saw children playing and dogs running free. There were people everywhere. I recognized loved ones who passed before me and waved in quiet anticipation. I wanted to stop and reach out to them but she was leading me and I was unable to let go of her hand.

The sun got brighter with each passing step. I looked behind me in hopes that we could go back and stay there only to find that nothing was there. I turned to my grandmother with a look of complete desperation. She whispered to me " We will see you soon when you come back home". She released my hand and I opened my eyes.

* this story of fiction begins below

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